Summer Term

Alfred University is a great place to learn in the summer! The weather is great, the scenery beautiful, and with a lighter course load, you can enjoy the surrounding area at your leisure. 在线赌博的夏季学期提供各种各样的研究生和本科课程. Two six-week sessions, special short-term courses of 2, 3 or 4 weeks, on-line courses, 实习和独立学习可以让你很容易地计划一个符合你的需求和兴趣的时间表.

Why should I take a Summer Term course?

  • Complete a full semester course within a few weeks
  • Improve your academic standing
  • Smaller class sizes
  • Lighten your course load in the Fall and/or Spring
  • Accelerate your degree
  • Online classes
  • Take graduate courses, or prepare for graduate studies

Summer Term classes are open to current Alfred University students, incoming first-year students, 来自其他学院和大学的转校生、本科生和研究生. 100级和200级的课程也向当地的通勤高中三年级和四年级学生开放. 课程由艺术与设计学院以及其他四所学院提供.

Summer Term 2024

  • Summer Term (12 weeks) - May 13 - August 2
  • Summer Session I (6 weeks) - May 13 - June 21
  • Session I-A (3 weeks) - May 13 - May 31
  • Session I-B (3 weeks) - June 3 - June 21
  • Session II (6 weeks) - June 24 - August 2
  • Session II-A (4 weeks) - June 24 - July 19

Summer Term Refund Policy & Add-Drop-Withdraw Dates

我们每个学院和学校都在夏季学期开设了许多不同的课程. To see what courses are scheduled, you can do a search in Banner which will give you the most up-to-date listing. Courses are added or deleted until just before each of the Summer Terms begin.

  • 目前在在线赌博注册的全日制和非全日制学生必须使用在线注册 Banner.
  • 所有其他希望参加暑期课程的学生必须完成在线注册表格. 点击本页左上角的“非录取学生注册”进入网上表格. 新学生必须亲自出席,并在注册前提交免疫接种表. Please click the link "Immunization Form" further down on this page.
  • View complete details regarding Summer Term registration, fees, payment, 在本页上列出的房屋或者通过本页左上角的链接.

Online Courses

一些暑期课程正在以在线或在线“混合”形式提供. (Hybrid courses are online classes with some required on-campus meeting dates).

Immunization Form Due: with course registration (for new students)

Housing Contract & Payment Due: 4 weeks prior to first class (for students who wish to reside on campus)

Late Registration Fee ($35) Assessed after: 1st day of class

For refund information please contact the Student Service Center at 607-871-2123.

Important: 符合学费减免资格的学生必须在他们注册的课程开始前至少两周提交学费减免申请表.

Requirements for International Students

Contact the Office of International Programs at 607-871-2269 浏览有关参加在线赌博暑期课程(课程及工作坊)的资料. 参加在线课程的国际学生不需要提供签证状态信息.

Tuition and Fees Due: Prior to the first class


Tuition for Summer 2024

  • $360 per credit hour
  • Art courses may have additional studio/materials fees

(These rates do not apply to non-credit Summer Art Workshops offered through the School of Art and Design)

Other Fees for Summer 2024

Student Service Fee

Online and On-campus courses $110

请注意,工作室/材料费和其他课程费用是针对特定课程收取的. For individual course fees, please see the detailed class information in the BannerWeb Schedule of Classes.

Late Registration Fee

$35 (applies to those registering after the first day of class)

Financial Responsibility

By registering for classes, a student assumes a legal obligation to pay tuition, fees and room and board charges (if applicable). If a balance is not paid by the due date, a hold will be placed on the account, which will prevent further registration, or release of transcripts. If the account is submitted to a collection agency, 学生将负责所有收取费用和法律费用.

Student Bills and Payment

在线赌博有一个无纸化的电子账单和支付网站,由CASHNet托管. Students can log into BannerWeb to access the billing and payment site. (新生需要激活他们的AU电子邮件帐户才能收到账单通知.) If you are not the primary payer of your student bill, 请登录给需要查看和支付账单的人访问权限.

For Parents and Authorized Users - Once you are listed as an Authorized User, 您将通过您的学生指定的电子邮件收到访问CASHNet系统所需的用户名和密码. Once you have a user ID and password, log into CASHNet to see the new bill. If you already have access, but have forgotten your password, 您可以通过点击主页上的链接自行重置密码,或者联系您的学生重置密码.

Financial Aid

In most cases, 暑期学校的经济援助是有限的,与学年不同. 学生应该提前与财务援助工作人员讨论他们的暑期援助资格. An appointment is usually not necessary. 大多数问题都可以由财政援助工作人员在上门或通过电话的基础上回答. For further information, please call the Office of Student Financial Aid at 607-871-2159.

Housing and Dining

Residence Hall Opening and Closing Dates

Please contact the Office of Residence Life (607-871-2186) for more information regarding opening and closing dates of residence halls.

Housing Reservations

Summer campus housing is available for students aged 18 or older. 需要夏季住宿的学生应联系住宿生活办公室,地址为 607-871-2186. This MUST be done at least four (4) weeks prior to your first class. 您将在夏季课程开始前不久通过您的非盟电子邮件帐户收到您的住房分配通知. All campus housing locations are smoke-free areas. Smoking is only allowed 25' from any building on campus. 动物不允许进入校园的任何建筑,包括宿舍.


Campus housing facilities are clean and adequate, but spartan (no phones or TVs, no maid service, no fans or air conditioning). Students typically supply their own bed and bath linens, pillows and blankets. However, bed linens are available through an outside contracted linen service. 希望获得这项服务的学生必须在安排校内住宿时签订合同. The cost for linen service is $16 per week and it includes one pillow, one pillowcase, one top sheet, one bottom fitted sheet and one blanket. Along with your own personal items, you may want to bring with you dishes, cooking utensils, pots and pans, lamp, fan (the halls are not air conditioned), wastebasket, hangers, TV (if desired), etc., as these are some of the items not supplied. 在宿舍楼的主楼层有一个供学生使用的厨房. Laundry facilities are available in the residence hall. All housing locations are smoke-free. No pets are allowed (unless assisting the visually impaired).

当你到达校园时,关于去哪里以及如何获得钥匙的其他信息将与你的住房确认一起提供给你. If you have any questions concerning housing, please contact the Office of Residence Life at 607-871-2186

Living Accommodations on Campus

Summer students will be housed according to preference and availability. 住宿配有双人床(36“x 80”),梳妆台,桌椅.

Campus Housing Rates for Summer 2023

Summer Term I or II for a single room in a corridor-style residence hall:

6-week rate: $1010 - Single Room, Double Room (shared with someone else) $935
4-week rate: $670 - Single Room, Double Room (shared with someone else) $625
Weekly rate: $210 - Single Room, Double Room (shared with someone else) $195

*Linen is NOT included but can be requested at a rate of $25 for the summer.

Control of Animals Policy

动物不允许进入任何大学建筑,除非经过培训可以为残疾人士提供帮助. Documentation is required; please contact the Office of Residence Life for more information (607-871-2186)


While no meal plan is available during Summer Term I, 大多数暑期学生都住在宿舍里,那里有齐全的厨房设施,所以如果他们愿意,他们可以自己准备食物. Meals may also be obtained at restaurants in the Village of Alfred.

食堂将在夏季第二学期的大部分时间开放,并且可能会为居住在校园的学生提供有限的膳食计划. (对膳食计划感兴趣的暑期第二学期学生请致电607-871-2186与住宿生活办公室联系以了解更多细节.)

As final grades are recorded they become viewable and printable by students on BannerWeb. 需要正式成绩单的副本应向学生服务中心的注册办公室提出. See the Transcript Request web page for information on how to obtain an official transcript.

Alfred University offers both residential and day-long sports and academic summer institutes and camps for elementary and high school aged students as well as various summer art workshops catered to community members.

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